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Halakha After Wittgenstein: Halakhic Meaning As Everyday Use, part 1
Halakha After Wittgenstein: Halakhic Meaning As Everyday Use, part 1

Eli Friedman •

25 min read

Wittgenstein's philsophy of language shows that meaning stems from an actual life form, from the way people use words in evedreyday life, and not from abstract definitions. His insights provide a unique point of view on the nature of Halakha.

Living in the Land of Wealth
Living in the Land of Wealth

Zachary Truboff •

25 min read

The insights of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov and Rav Shagar can help us appreciate the difficulty of escaping from capitalism’s grasp, and the way in which tzedekah can be a profound act of liberation.

The Cry of the Downtrodden
The Cry of the Downtrodden

Hillel Mansfield •

35 min read

a thorough examonation of the biblical cry, in order to understand the emotional and existential side of poverty.